This site “” is the property of the company PSA (Produits Sanitaires Aeronefs), registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of Paris under the number 305 775 710, whose head office is located: 1, rue de Lamirault, 77090 Collégien

The director of publication of the site is Mr. Amine Bouhrara.
The site is hosted by the company OVH, SAS with a capital of 500 000 € – Head office: 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix – FRANCE. The entire site is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All rights of reproduction are reserved, including for iconographic and photographic documents.



Any person having access to the Site, whatever its quality (individual or professional), the place where it is, the terms of connection to the Site, the purpose and purpose of its access to the information published on the Site, is a Site User.
The user is informed of the risks inherent in the Internet, especially in terms of:
– lack of security in the transmission of data.
– unsecured continuity in accessing the Site or the various services offered by the Site.
In any case, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for these risks and their consequences, harmful, whatever the extent, for the User. It is the responsibility of each User to take all appropriate measures to protect his / her own data, software and materials from contamination by viruses or other forms of attack possibly circulating through the Site or published information.
The User can not claim any difficulty accessing the Site to access the information in fraud of these Terms of Use. To be taken into account the claims of the User must be sent to the Publisher by post only in the form recommended with acknowledgement of receipt at the address mentioned above.



The function of the administrator of the Site is to ensure the proper functioning of the Site and to ensure its security. It is part of its mission to facilitate the application of these Terms of Use and to ensure the fair and responsible behaviour of each User.



In application of the provisions of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 known as “Informatique et Libertés” modified, any natural person has the rights of access, modification, rectification and deletion of data concerning him. The exercise of these rights is carried out at any time by the postal way to the address
next :
ZAC of Amirault
1, rue de l’Amirault

Any use of the Site is recorded. The User is informed of the faculty left to the Publisher to set up automated data collectors to identify the User and his successive visits to the Site. In some cases, the User may be required to provide personal data for statistical purposes. In addition, the User is informed that this data may be used for direct marketing purposes for similar products or services by the Publisher of the Site. The User may have access to these data and may object to these uses free of charge by writing to the address indicated above.

Any other prospection by the Publisher of the Site or any transfer to third parties (business partners etc.) of this data will be subject to prior express agreement of the User. The Publisher of the Site agrees to take recognized technical precautions to preserve the security of personal data and in particular prevent them from being distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorized third parties.