KI-KLEEN WIPE Multi-purpose Cleaning Wipe for Floors and Interior Surfaces Multi-purpose : for floors and interior surfaces. Water based non-flammable formulation. Approved for aeronautical use. Durable, honeycombed individual wipes for effective, streak-free cleaning. Effectively degreases and cleans. XL generous format : practical use as disposable mop. Naturally derived surfactants, sulfate-free. Ki-kleen : water based biodegradable…


BIOCLEAN 360SC Super Concentrated Blue Deodorising Detergent for Sanitation of Aircraft Toilet Systems Fast Acting and Long Lasting Long-lasting Air Freshener. Non-staining blue color. Low foaming during flush Super Concentrated. Biodegradable formulation. Recyclable packaging. Calculated and compensated Carbon Foot print. TECHNICAL DATASHEETASK FOR QUOTE OR DETAILSDESCRIPTIONAPPLICATION AREASDIRECTIONS FOR USEAPPROVALSPHYSICAL PROPERTIESORDERING INFODESCRIPTION BIOCLEAN 360SC is a…

MRO Africa 2024

MRO Africa 2024 7 March 2024 [MRO Africa 2024] – We look forward to seeing you there and discuss about aircraft approved chemical solutions for Interior Deep Cleaning , Pest Control , Odor Treatment , Waste System Treatment , Water System Treatment , Exterior Cleaners , Solvents , CIC removers , Paint Strippers , Non…


CHANGES IN AIRCRAFT DISINSECTION 11 January 2024 World Health Organisation (WHO) have recently released the 2nd edition of the “WHO aircraft disinsection methods and procedures” This document, released on November 23rd, 2023, replaces WHO’s previous formal publications on aircraft disinsection and describes the latest updated methods and procedures for disinsection of internal areas of passenger,…


RINSING SOLUTION Rinsing solution for DAF-3000 Automatized Sprayer Ready-to-use formulation. 2L bottles perfectly adapted to fit within the DAF-3000. One 2L bottle for 30 rinses. Non-toxic formulation; Safe for user. Suitable for use in food preparation areas. Comes with practical compressed wipes. TECHNICAL DATASHEETASK FOR QUOTE OR DETAILSDESCRIPTIONAPPLICATION AREASDIRECTIONS FOR USEAPPROVALSPHYSICAL PROPERTIESORDERING INFODESCRIPTION Rinsing solution…


DAF-3000 New mobile concept for the Decontamination of Surfaces by Air Path Treatment of surfaces through diffusion of microdroplets: Homogeneous dry fog. Semi-automatised for reduced downtime. Optimized consumption of product. Proven efficacy of the machine/product coupled. Complies with EN 17272 for Airborne Surface Disinfection when used with Netbiokem DSAM or Ki-ose for Disinfection. Easy to…


EMULDRY 50 Plus Residual insecticide effective on flying and crawling insects Emulsifiable concentrated product (50% Permethrin). Highly effective, non-flammable, aircraft approved insecticide. Complies with WHO recommendations for aircraft disinsection residual treatment of cabin and holds. Complies with EU BPR N°528/2012. Dilutes in water. Cost effective. Effective on other crawling insects incl. bedbugs. Non-staining ; Easy…


AIREZ Emulsifiable Concentrated Residual Insecticides for Aircraft Cabin and Hold Disinsection Efficient aircraft approved insecticide. Non-flammable and non-staining. Complies with World Health Organisation recommendations for Aircraft Disinsection. Dilutes in water. Emusifiable concentrated product (50%).[ Recyclable packaging. TECHNICAL DATASHEETASK FOR QUOTE OR DETAILSDESCRIPTIONAPPLICATION AREASDIRECTIONS FOR USEAPPROVALSPHYSICAL PROPERTIESORDERING INFODESCRIPTION AIREZ Insecticide is an emulsifiable concentrated, World Health…


NFAI-Phenothrin/Permethin NON FLAMMABLE AIRCRAFT INSECTICIDE PHENOTHRIN/PERMETHRIN – Combination aerosol insecticide specially formulated for aeronautical use Effective on many flying and crawling insects (Musca Domestica, Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, Tribolium sp.) known as vector of serious diseases (Malaria, Zika, Dengue…). Total mortality on mosquitos in less than 3 minutes. Compliant with International Health Regulations and WHO’s recommendations…